Since August 14, Executive Director Daniel Mills has been taking the grand tour of Kamloops by foot in his ambitious initiative Running The Symphony. During the campaign, he pledged to run every public street in the city while raising funds for the symphony. On Saturday, January 23 at 10 am he will tackle the grand finale of this project by running a full marathon (42.2 km).
Starting at Sagebrush Theatre, his route will wind through the neighbourhood, eventually heading downhill and heading East towards 13th Avenue, then turning West into downtown and 6th Avenue. He’ll then work his way back to conclude at Sagebrush Theatre. Well-wishers are welcome to cheer Daniel along on his run so long as they follow all social distancing rules.
See a map of the route
“This project has been a big logistical and physical challenge for me, but it has been very fun getting to know Kamloops’ various neighbourhoods. I am so grateful for the stunning geography Kamloops has to offer, and the tremendous backers who have helped us along this journey. With their support, the Kamloops Symphony has been able bolster our digital season and the programming and number of musicians involved in our ongoing productions.” Executive Director Daniel Mills says.
To date, Daniel has run for just over 85 hours over 83 individual runs on 72 days, covering 896 km. His average run length is 11.3 km with an average run time of 1:02:34. The Running The Symphony campaign has so far raised $14,357 of its $15,000 goal.